Saturday Worship at 6 PM
Sunday Worship at 9:00 & 11:15 AM
Sunday Forum at 10:10 AM
All Are Welcome!
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This week at St. John
March 30th
This coming Sunday the gospel reading is the well-known story of the prodigal son. Which brother are you like? Come to worship, whichever one you are,
is a five-week series of ecumenical worship services sponsored by churches of Beatrice. Services are at 12:05 p.m. with a light lunch served at 12:30 p.m.
Mar. 31 - Centenary UMC - Rev. Dr. Renae Koehler - Deborah
Apr. 7 - First Christian DOC - Fr. Joseph Faulkner - Daniel
Meal and Silent Auction - Sunday, April 13th
Beatrice American Legion
701 Dorsey St., Beatrice, NE
4:00 - 7:00 PM
Silent Auction ends at 6:30 PM. Winners do not need to be present . Items can be picked up at St. John Lutheran Church.
Enjoy sloppy joes, a variety of salads, and desserts. A lemonade stand with bake sale items will be run by Erin’s daughter, Liz Blake. Special friend, Cathy Wertman, will shave her head if $1,000 in donations are raised!
If you wish to donate, checks can be made out to St. John Lutheran Church with “Erin Blake Benefit” in the memo.
Egg My Yard - St. John Youth Group Fundraiser
Order your pre-filled eggs to be hidden in your yard the night before Easter - April 19th.
All proceeds will benefit the St. John Youth with activities and trips!
Lenten Meal & Worship
Wednesdays, March 12 - April 9
Meal at 5:00 - Worship at 7:00 PM
Lenten Devotionals are available in the Narthex.
Easter Lilies
Sponsor a lily in memory or honor of a loved one! Lilies are $20 and will be available for you to take home after the Easter Sunday services. Stop in the office or fill out a form online by April 14th.
Text Study
As part of her curriculum, Heidi is working through the weekly lectionary Gospel texts. Join her Tuesdays at 5:30 PM in the Narthex or on Zoom for a half hour informal discussion and conversation on the passages.
(There will be no meeting on March 11th)
Scholarship Application
St. John Scholarships are Available!
This scholarship is for High School graduating seniors and students already in post-secondary universities. Reminder: current recipients must re-apply each year.
Due date is March 31st
2025 VBS
Get the latest news and announcements from St. John e-mailed to you!
February 2025 Council Meeting Highlights
Sunday, March 23 at 10:10 AM - Sherry Haar, professor of fashion studies at the College of Health and Human Sciences on "Return to Prairie: Textiles for Green Burial Awareness". Read more here!
- A Benefit Meal and Silent Auction for Erin Blake will be on April 13th at the Beatrice American Legion from 4:00 - 7:00 PM.
Lenten Meal & Worship - Wednesdays, March 12- April 9, at 5:30 & 7:00 PM - Devotionals are available in the Narthex.
From the Committees:
- Faith Formation: Skating Party on March 16 at Beatrice Rolla Rena from 2-5 PM. The Youth will be serving Warren's Table on March 18th.
- Worship & Music: For the 2025 Summer - Starting May 18th the 11:15 Sunday service will be in the chapel. Worship in the park is scheduled for Sept. 7th. Will be serving the Lenten meal on March 12th - Lasagna and sides.
- Hospitality & Engagement: A "Gather Together" vinyl sign is being made for the Welcome Table. Looking forward to assembling Care Packages for college and working youth in April. Will be serving the Lenten meal on March 26th - BBQ Pork, cheesy potatoes, and sides.
The next council meeting will be March 27th at 6 PM.