Saturday Worship at 6 PM
Sunday Worship at 9:00 & 11:15 AM
Sunday Forum at 10:10 AM
All Are Welcome!
Know Jesus. Tell about Jesus. Love as Jesus loves.
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This week at St. John
February 16th
This week we hear about Esther, a Jewish woman who became queen of Persia and saved her people from genocide. Our youth will help tell this classic example of good triumphing over evil.
If you would like to participate as a vendor, please fill out the registration form by February 28th.
Offering Envelopes
2025 Envelopes are here! Please see the table by the office. If you would like to start using offering envelopes, contact the office to get set up.
Ash Wednesday
March 5th
Worship at 7:00 PM
A meal will be served in the fellowship hall before worship.
‘Ashes to Go’ will be available from 11:30 AM - 1 PM in the parking lot at the north-east entrance.
Youth Lock Ins
Carol Joy Holling Camp is hosting Middle School and High School Lock-ins this spring! Join in the fun of night camp activities, fellowship, and learning more about God. Register online.
Middle School: March 7th & 8th
High School: March 21st & 22nd
2025 VBS
Get the latest news and announcements from St. John e-mailed to you!
January 2025 Council Meeting Highlights
- The 2nd Annual St. John Craft Fair will be March 1st from 9 AM to 4 PM. Food Trucks will be serving in the parking lot from 11 AM - 2 PM.
- A Benefit Meal and Silent Auction for Erin Blake will be on April 13th. More information to come.
From the Committees:
- Buildings & Grounds: A permanent divider with doors will be constructed along the west wall in the fellowship hall to store tables and chairs behind.
- Faith Formation: May 4th will be our graduating Senior recognition. A cake reception will be served during the fellowship hour.
- Worship & Music: Cookies went over well at the Christmas Concert - we'll do them again. On March 2nd Kevin Boesiger will hold a choir clinic and the concert will follow at 6 PM. March 22nd is a handbell clinic. Contact Erin if you'd like to participate in either event!
- Hospitality & Engagement: Looking forward to assembling Care Packages for college and working youth. Minor adjustments are being made to make the Welcome Table run as smoothly as possible.
The next council meeting will be February 27th at 6 PM.