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Saturday Worship at 6 PM

Sunday Worship at 9:00 & 11:15 AM

Sunday Forum at 10:10 AM

All Are Welcome!

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This week at St. John

December 8th

On the second Sunday of Advent, we light two candles on the wreath, and we'll hear about the shepherds, the first to hear of Christ's birth. Come to worship and hear the proclaimed news.

Weekly Announcements

9 AM Bulletin

11:15 Bulletin


Wednesday Night Bulletin


All Confirmation class members and youth will be participating in Wednesday Night services. Please watch for information from Pr. Renae, Heidi, and Missy!

Community Pageant

Sunday, Dec. 15th at both services

All youth are invited to participate as angels, shepherds, animals, or wise-people! Come a little early to either service to get a costume. Kids will sit with their families until invited forward.

  • Holiday Lighted Parade

    December 7th @ 5:30 PM

    5th Street in Beatrice!

  • Lincoln Christmas Lights Tour

    Magical Lights of Lincoln Tour

    December 8th

    Youth 6th - 12th grades

    Van Leaves at 5:30 PM. Only 14 seats available! Sign up with Missy or on the office bulletin board.

  • Greeters

  • Poinsettias

    Poinsettias are $20 for a large, floral quality plant. You may take the plant home with you to enjoy after the Christmas Day service.

    Form and $20 are due to office by Monday, December 16th.

  • Good Gifts Tree

    This year’s ELCA Good Gifts tree is up in the Narthex. To participate, choose your ornaments and make a check out to St. John for the amount. Please put the animal or gifts you chose in the memo. Then take the ornaments home or give it to the person who the gift is in honor of. Good Gifts catalogs are available to see more ways you can make a difference!


  • Christmas Luncheon

    December 19th

    Dress in Christmas attire and meet Pastor Renae at BETOS Mexican Restaurant at noon. We will each pay for our own meal and enjoy fun company and conversation!

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  December 2024  
Church Council Updates

October 2024 Council Meeting Highlights

  • Organ maintenance and up-keep is becoming a high priority - the organ cannot be tuned until we have a safer way to access the pipes.
  • Thanksgiving Eve Service - November 27th at 7 PM
  • Advent Worships will be December 4th, 11th, & 18th at 7 PM

From the Committees:

  • Hospitality & Engagement: Prepared the East Narthex closet for construction on the Coffee Bar. It looks great!
  • Buildings & Grounds: Roof repair is being delayed by back ordered parts. Construction should begin before cold weather hits.
  • Faith Formation: Pr. Renae is asking the confirmation class to do sermon notes. The Holiday Lighted Parade is Dec. 7th - we will begin working on the float in November. Flyers are going out to the chamber and to the schools about our Christmas Pageant on Dec. 15th. High school youth are making communion bread once a month for services. Planning on restarting the podcast with the kids interviewing.
  • Worship & Music: Reformation & Confirmation Sunday - will have a brass quartet and cake reception. All Saints will be Nov. 3rd - names will be read at all services. No hanging of the greens this year. Christmas Concert will be December 20th at 7:30 PM.
  • Stewardship: A 2025 Giving letter will go out in early November for the 2025 Giving campaign. Stewardship Sunday is Nov. 17th.

The next council meeting will be November 21st at 6 PM.

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